Drug Free Noble County
2090 N SR 9, Suite E
Albion, IN 46701
EIN: 35-2135869
Dear DFNC Supporter,
Drug Free Noble County relies on the generosity of our community members to further it’s efforts to educate individuals and families about new drug trends, and to work in the areas of law enforcement, treatment and prevention to reduce the abuse of tobacco, alcohol and drugs in Noble County.
Your donation to Drug Free Noble County will help us to provide workplace training sessions to area businesses, educational programs to students and their families, and to provide resources, materials, expertise and other support for some of the BEST prevention and treatment programs in the county.
Please consider making a donation (of any amount!) to Drug Free Noble County to help us continue to reduce the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol in our community.
In fact, if you are able, I’d like to encourage you to make a monthly, recurring donation to Drug Free Noble County.
WHY? A monthly donation does two things…
First, it allows us to better manage our budget, by knowing in advance what our income will be for the year. And second, it allows you – the donor – to make a substantial impact on your community while staying within your budget.
For example, a donation of just $25 per month equates to a $300 annual gift. If just 50 of our supporters made that commitment, that would be an additional $15,000 each year to support Drug Free Noble County’s programs and initiatives!
JUST IMAGINE WHAT WE COULD DO with that type of support!
I promise you, it will be money well spent! Thank you in advance for your consideration.
The impact of your donation:
Youth programs such as PRIDE/STAR, and Too Smart to Start
Partnering with law enforcement to support school resource officers, random drugs testing and drug dogs
Workplace education seminars
Partnering to provide prescription drug take back programs
Partnering to bring special events and featured speakers to the community, including safe driving programs, Ride for Recovery, and community town hall meetings on underage drinking
Facilitating quality drug education opportunities for coalition partners and the community, such as Smart Approaches to Marijuana, High in Plain Site, and Facing the Dragon